Frequently Asked Questions

Where the heck is Iskra?

Iskra is located in the back parking lot of the Karma Bird House (47 Maple St.) through the gated alleyway. Please do not park in the back, Iskra does not have any reserved parking space and you will be towed.

Can I visit Iskra?

Yes, but please schedule an appointment. Iskra is 100% run by volunteers so we do not have a dedicated staff member on-site. Shoot an email to and we'll schedule a visit.


How do I get into the class?

We offer classes twice a year (Fall/Winter) with a max capacity of 16 students per semester. Due to the demand and limited seats, students are selected at random via a lottery system.

In order to be entered into the lottery we require you to submit a complete application.

I know how to print, can I skip the class?

Nope. Enrolment & active participation in the class is mandatory for membership/access. No ifs, ands, or buts this is non-negotiable.


Do you offer printing services.

We offer limited print services on a project-by-project basis. Please consult our Services page for more info.

Can I print shirts?

Nope. We are not equipped to handle plastisol inks. Members are prohibited to use plastisol based inks, but go ahead and print on whatever material you'd like.


Class Refund Policy.

If you find that you are unable to commit to the class after the first session we can issue an 80% refund. We do not offer refunds beyond that.

Are you communists?

Comrade. I assure you, we are none of the sort. Visit our about page to learn about our mission.